Rotary Club of Stoneham’s members and their guests met at Stoneham Community Television studios for their bi-weekly luncheon meeting.
Attendees wrote messages on hundreds of Valentine's Day cards graciously donated by Boyd’s Direct to be delivered to clients at Bear Hill Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, Life Care Center of Stoneham,
Arnold House, Fuller House, Stoneham Senior Center, Meals on Wheels, Hope for Boston’s Homeless and the Bridge Recovery Center, along with several other agencies. “Our combined efforts will put a smile on the faces of each of the recipients who may not receive another message like the ones we wrote,” said President David Gardner (Boyd’s Direct). “Everyone’s time and compassion will have a positive impact on those who are often forgotten.” 
President Gardner thanked Membership Chair Craig Celli (Century 21 Celli) for planning this event and for his efforts to grow the Club’s membership and to introduce Rotary to more community members. He also thanked Executive Director Amy Palmerino and Stoneham TV for hosting the meeting.
Our guests included Dave’s wife Joni, Senior Center Director Kristen Spence, Boys and Girls Club Substance Use Prevention Program Director Elizabeth Valett, and Frank and Lois Gould from Hope for Boston’s Homeless. It was so great to have them join us in this community project.